“Is that me?!! Oh God! I look like I am 65, not 50!”
I thought to myself as I was confronted by the huge, unflattering image of myself on the video call.
I didn’t even recognize myself at first.
I looked 15 years older with huge bags under my eyes, “grayish” skin, and wrinkles in places they weren’t before.
I felt AWFUL about my reflection.

“Are you ok, Sandy? You look like you haven’t slept in weeks”…
Said Carol as she got closer to the screen and scanned every inch of my face.
Carol was my ageless, flawless, model-looking friend whose beauty always made me feel inadequate.
(we all have that ONE friend, don’t we?)
I hadn’t seen my girlfriends in YEARS since I moved to Florida, and I deeply missed them…
But I couldn’t help but spend the whole “virtual gathering” staring at myself rather than enjoying the little time I had with them.
I was SO desperate to get off that call.

When the call finally ended, I vented to my fiancé, who said I was being silly and that I looked beautiful.
Yeah, right…
What's he supposed to say? The truth? That I looked like I had aged 20 years overnight?!!!
I spent the rest of the day looking at myself in the mirror, inspecting every new “detail” of my face…

And wondering how and when I got SO old looking.
I went to bed on the brink of a nervous breakdown and woke up the next morning hoping to see a different, more youthful…
More vibrant woman looking back at me in the mirror.
But the sun, the late nights, the occasional bad habits, the YEARS had finally made their way onto my face, and now I couldn’t unsee them.
Realizing that age is creeping up on us can be devastating for most women…
But it was even more so for me.
Because I grew up in a household of gorgeous women who “don’t look their age.”
There’s this stunning picture of my grandma (my mom’s mom) in her 50s hanging on my living room wall where she could easily pass as 30-something.
And yeah - they didn’t have photoshop or filters back then - so you know it’s the real deal.
Then there’s my mom…
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been accused of being her sister, I'd be rich!
So, naturally, I always assumed “eternal youth” ran in the family.
But, to my great disappointment, the blessed genes of my mother and grandmother seemed to have skipped a generation.

But WHY?
I did my best to stay consistent with my skincare routine, morning and night…
I wore sunscreen…
I paid a visit to my dermatologist at least twice a year…
So why was my skin changing so fast? Why was I aging FASTER than my mother and grandmother?!
I spent the next few weeks obsessing over those questions.
And I wasn’t the only one.
I knew, for a fact, that most of my female friends, my cousins, and even a couple of my neighbors were going through the same thing...
Each wondering…
"What can I do to stop aging so FAST…And get my smooth, wrinkle-free, glowing skin back?"
WE DESERVED ANSWERS, and I was determined to get them!!
Luckily for me, and any woman out there suffering the physical and emotional consequences of rapid aging, …
Not long after, I would find the answers I was so desperately looking for…
And I would stumble upon an all-natural breakthrough solution that can help YOU, and any woman, regardless of background or age…

To start turning back the clock on your skin in as fast as 3 days…
Even if NOTHING else has worked in the past.
So who am I to say such a thing?
Hi! My name is Sandy DeRose.
And, similar to what you might be experiencing, I found myself in a situation where I was aging much faster than I wanted to, particularly after menopause.
I know what it’s like to wake up every morning and fight with the image in the mirror that you cannot accept…
To struggle with feeling invisible and not sure of your purpose anymore…
And to compare yourself to every younger woman you see.

But I also know what it’s like to have your beauty, confidence, and self-esteem back…
To no longer dread people getting close to you and discovering your flaws…
And to catch yourself in the mirror and for once think, "wow, I look AMAZING!"
And today, I want to share the one-of-a-kind natural solution that allowed me to achieve exactly that…
With the hopes that it’ll help YOU, and anyone struggling with accelerated aging…
To repair your skin and look (and feel!) years younger - much, MUCH faster than you ever dreamed possible.
You see, I’ve been obsessed with finding powerful health remedies since I was a teenager.
While my friends played sports, participated in clubs, and gossiped about their favorite bands…
My nose was buried in alternative health-research journals and reference books.
At one point, my closest friends teased me about my herbal “witch-doctor cures”. (That was until they realized I never got sick and rarely went to the doctor.)
After college, my passion for natural health landed me a dream job working with one of the most renowned anti-aging pioneers in the world.
I was blessed to have spent more than a decade researching and developing innovative solutions alongside him.
Since then…
I’ve developed dozens of breakthrough formulas … And I’ve devoted my life to all-natural health solutions for women.
So that is why I couldn’t believe this premature aging thing was happening to ME…
An avid researcher with YEARS of experience working alongside some of the world’s top scientists…
A top-of-the-line product developer and health enthusiast with great successes under my belt!
I felt like I had absolutely NO control over my aging process.
So if I couldn’t stop my own skin from aging too fast…
How could I possibly find a solution that could help other women too?!
Through my skin-rejuvenation journey, I really learned what didn’t work.
My bathroom was filled with a huge array of skincare products (over-the-counter, prescription, high-end brands…EVERYTHING!)...

And most were left half full because they did little to nothing for my skin.
I also tried dozens of cosmetic treatments in the past decade, but they were painful and temporary…
And I sure wasn’t willing to go under the knife.
I was sick of all the work, suffering, and money required to look and feel younger.
To this day, I still can’t believe how much money and time I spent trying to recover my youth.
But to be honest, it wasn’t about the time or money.
It was about finding something that would FINALLY work so I could feel like myself again.

So I continued my extensive research, and it kept bringing me back to collagen.
I’m sure you’ve heard how collagen is responsible for keeping your skin firm and smooth…
And how your collagen levels start to decline as soon as you hit 30.
Well, that wasn't the case for my mother and grandmother, so why are we modern women experiencing an increased collagen loss?
That's where my research got VERY interesting.
You see, brand-new scientific studies show there are...
3 Collagen-Destabilizing factors that are causing women today to age faster than their grandmothers
Collagen Destabilizer # 1 Food Additives
We're as far from Mother Nature’s food as we've ever been. Foods everywhere are laced with additives that cause faster wrinkles, dryer skin, and increased breakouts.
GMOs, pesticides, and unnatural preservatives are causing food intolerances that result in blemishes, acne, and itchy skin that gets wrinkled faster.
These chemicals are banned in many countries. But in the U.S. (and most of Europe), they're unavoidable.

Collagen Destabilizer #2 Drying Agents
In your shampoos, soaps, cosmetics, laundry detergent, cleaning agents, and hundreds of other items you use EVERY day, there are chemicals that dry and irritate your skin.
This doesn't even count the objects you come into contact with in stores, at work, or at your friends’ homes. Over time, these chemicals tire out your skin's natural defenses and leave you vulnerable to fast aging.
Collagen Destabilizer #3 Environmental Changes
Two big factors with the environment are pollution and UV rays. And recent research shows that traffic-related pollution, soot, nitrogen dioxide which comes from power plants, construction, lawn-and-gardening equipment, are also contributing to premature aging.
The sun is our biggest source of UV rays and our exposure is more than we ever thought…
Driving, sitting by a window, reflective surfaces, and even running into a store!
But that’s not the only exposure to UV rays.

You see, UV rays also come from black lights, UV therapy, older computers, halogen, fluorescent, and incandescent light bulbs.
Did you know you are supposed to wear sunscreen even inside your home?!
That’s when I realized it wasn't just me and my girlfriends going through this.
Accelerated Aging is happening to women all over the world…
Even celebrities, who have all of Hollywood's resources, are struggling to look young.
Our world has COMPLETELY changed for women our age… and it's only getting worse!
The Bad News - None of these Collagen-Destabilizing factors are going away. In fact, they're getting WORSE!
Which means… if you're not doing something to both repair and prepare your skin for the current times (and what's coming)...
You'll find yourself in a place where you have the skin of a far older woman. And it could soon be too late to turn back the clock.
But the worst part is most collagen supplements, skincare products, or medical treatments almost NEVER address the real cause of accelerated aging.

Instead, they either serve as temporary “solutions” that can cause more damage in the long run…
Or they can permanently change your face in a way that often looks embarrassingly fake (check any tabloid for celebrity horror stories!)
The AMAZING News - my research led to a ground-breaking natural way to not just shield your skin from these collagen-destroyers…
But also undo the damage this "Triple Threat" has caused, and make your skin look beautifully young & fresh again.
And all in a 100% safe, risk-free, natural way.
The 3-Step Process to Achieving "Collagen Recalibration" And Flooding Your Skin with Rejuvenating Nutrients
The key to your youngest, most beautiful, and healthy-looking skin is Collagen Recalibration.
When you experience collagen imbalance…
…which most women over 40 in today’s world do because of the UV rays, environmental hazards…
(Food additives, and drying agents that deteriorate your collagen)
Your skin, hair, muscles, and bones age a lot FASTER than they should.
So the key here is to “Recalibrate” your collagen levels by following three very specific steps.
Step 1: Protect Your Skin from Further Damage & Aging
Most people would tell you that by taking collagen supplements and eating collagen-boosting foods like red meat and bone broth, you can improve your collagen production.
And while that does help a bit, the LARGE amounts of collagen supplements, red meat, and bone broth you would have to consume to actually recalibrate your collagen levels…
Are definitely NOT recommended as part of a long-term healthy diet.
So what you need here is a way to flood your skin with nutrients that create, protect, and heal collagen…
Without potentially putting your health at risk.
Step 2: Hydrate Your Skin to Keep it Plump, Supple, & Gorgeous
Most moisturizers in the market only create a high level of moisture saturation on your skin’s surface (they don’t go into the deeper layers)…
So all they do is provide a false sense of hydration.
In fact, some moisturizers even have additives that make things worse!
What you need is to pamper your skin with scientifically-proven hydrating nutrients that reach the deeper levels of the skin (where collagen is found)...
And naturally increase the moisture balance of your skin.
Step 3: Heal Your Past Damage & Say Goodbye to Wrinkles, Spots, & Roughness
Your skin will try to heal itself on its own. But it only has so much collagen to spare.
If you use nourishing ingredients that can actually recalibrate collagen…
Then your skin areas will have an abundance of these helpful nutrients, and your skin can start repairing itself.
You may have a short or long way to go to replenish your collagen.
But with the right treatment, made from only organic, scientifically-proven ingredients, you can start seeing improvements in just days...
And within weeks, have your friends demanding to know your new skin secret.
Now, hundreds of hours of research have shown that NO one ingredient can do all of this.
But the good news is, with the right combination of collagen-producing, protecting, and healing nutrients…
You can start turning back the clock on your skin in as fast as 3 days.
Women Who Know How to Achieve “Collagen Recalibration” Start Looking Younger & Better in Weeks (Or Sooner!)
After months and months of research I used all my resources to put together 11 super collagen-restoring ingredients…
That together create the PERFECT formula for women to quickly achieve Collagen Recalibration.
These nutrients create, protect, and heal collagen so that you can…

Look your youngest, healthiest, and most beautiful.
I took the 11 ingredients to my laboratory and mixed them together VERY carefully - in the exact ratios my research suggested.
I knew if I messed up the amounts, the nutrients wouldn’t work as well as they should.
Then I got out one of my dropper bottles and put them in there for my convenience.
I pulled out one dropper and started evenly applying it to my face.
I rubbed in the serum, went home, and relaxed … feeling hopeful and excited for the first time ... in a VERY long time.
I applied a full dropper of the serum the same way for the next few days…
NEVER missing a day.

And within three days, I could see my skin glowing and some of my deepest wrinkles starting to fade away.
I was so excited!
Over the next few weeks, I kept checking my face and looking in the mirror at every chance.
And let me tell you... I LOVED what I was seeing.
So much so that I decided to share my age-rewinding serum with my neighbor Kari and other girlfriends.
Kari applied it once a day for a week... and was stunned by the results.

She told me "Sandy, I can't believe it. I was just hoping to flatten out my eye wrinkles a little bit... but now I can barely see my acne scars!"
That part actually surprised me because I always assumed acne scars were forever.
But it was more undeniable proof that, when you pump your skin with the right ingredients, it can bring your collagen back to balance…
Miracles CAN happen.
Miracles CAN happen.
My friend Betty said, "I was so self-conscious about my eye wrinkles, that I was starting to look for every excuse to put sunglasses on.
Now my husband is back to adoring me... and he loves to focus on my eyes. It's like it was 6 months of couples therapy in a little bottle."
As for me, I just loved looking in the mirror again. I didn't have to coat my face with makeup to feel good…
I could just be me!

And that was the greatest gift of all.
Once I had proven to myself and my girlfriends that this formulation worked, I couldn’t wait to make it available to everyone who needed it.
I was just so tired of women, like me, wasting money on expensive serums that were nothing but water and a few drops of plant oils…
And that, instead of helping, they left you feeling even more hopeless.
So my mission became to help women feel in control of their aging process and be confident that they are turning into their BEST selves every day.
This was when I knew I needed to partner with a premier lab and formulator to ensure the highest-possible-quality product

Someone that would help me produce the right ratio of every ingredient. This was the key to the product working.
You see, each ingredient works synergistically together, and they couldn’t be messed up.
It’s the absolute key to restoring your skin and helping you look and feel DECADES younger…
And I wasn’t going to settle for anything less.
Once I found the perfect lab ...
I also insisted that all the ingredients were: Organic, Naturally-Occurring, and Scientifically-Proven to Work
Just the raw power of natural oils, plants, and nutrients proven to support Collagen Recalibration.
Every ingredient is carefully sourced, selected, and tested.
I’ve done all the work for you and made it easy to use.
And I’ve put everything together in this formula, publicly available for the FIRST time, called …
"Timeless Beauty":
The Collagen-Recalibrating Anti-Aging Serum
That Turns Back the Clock & Gives You
The Stunning Skin You Deserve
Here are the 11 super collagen-healing ingredients that make “Timeless Beauty” the ONLY proven solution out there for Collagen Recalibration…
Super Collagen Healer #1
"The Hero"

Topical Vitamin C. Possibly the greatest scientific breakthrough for skin in the past 20 years.
When used in its purest form, Vitamin C can penetrate the outer layer and properly absorb through the skin.
This powerful antioxidant heals sun damage, protects the skin from unstable molecules & free radicals...
And immediately starts repairing your collagen.
Super Collagen Healer #2
"The De-Wrinkler"

Gotu Kola Extract - This nutrient increases collagen production and works like a clothes iron for your skin…
Smoothing out wrinkles and preventing cellulite.
It also wards off free radicals from damaging your face.
And as a bonus it reduces the look of scars.
Super Collagen Healer #3
"The Tightener"

Horsetail Plant Extract - Squeezes out impurities, improves texture and tone. And firms your skin with an added collagen boost.
It also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.
Super Collagen Healer #4
"The Lamp"

Geranium Extract - Creates an alluring glow for your skin... and heals irritations with its strong anti-acne and anti-inflammatory properties.
It’s also one of the best oils for repairing collagen and increasing your skin's elasticity. And it lightens the skin.
Super Collagen Healer #5
"The "Detoxifier"

Dandelion Extract - Contains vitamins A, C, and E - the trifecta of skin-loving vitamins that boost collagen production!
It also purges your skin of impurities and lets your pores breathe normally. All while preventing and eliminating acne.
Plus protects and repairs damage from UV and UVB.
Super Collagen Healer #6
"The Firmer"

L Arginine - For ultimate hydration to make your skin plump, smooth, tight, bright and flexible. (Say goodbye to sags!).
Repairs damage and increases elastin.
Super Collagen Healer #7
"The Cooler"

Kosher Veggie Glycerin - It literally pulls oxygen into your skin.
Plus it retains moisture, is non comedogenic (won’t clog pores) and improves the skin barrier function.
Super Collagen Healer #8
"The Soother"

Aloe - Balms the skin, fights acne, reduces irritation and inflammation, and has wound-healing properties.
But it also boosts hydration and plumps the skin making it look supple and youthful.
Super Collagen Healer #9
"The Blemish Banisher"

MSM (methyl sulphonyl methane) - Quickly removes acne, spots, and other blemishes. It also helps make your skin less sensitive, so it doesn't react to foods and chemicals as easily.
It reduces signs of aging and is a powerful anti-aging compound.
Super Collagen Healer #10
"The Redness Reducer"

Witch Hazel - Gets rid of that blotchiness and irritation so your skin can shine its true beauty.
Fights acne and premature aging while it reduces skin inflammation and redness.
A real winner for improving skin tone too!
Super Collagen Healer #11
"The Anti-Inflammatory"

Vitamin E - Reverses UV Ray Exposure and calms damaged, irritated skin.
It counteracts harmful effects that free radicals have on skin and premature aging.
Reduces hyperpigmentation and heals scars.

Individually, each of these ingredients makes a HUGE impact on your skin…
But when they come together in the right forms and ratios as they do in the Timeless Beauty Age-Rewinding Serum…
The results are simply STUNNING!
All you have to do is rub a few drops of the serum into your skin once a day, and you can get …
GORGEOUS Results Like These Faster Than You Ever Dreamed Possible.

Marie S.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL.
" I’m a skeptic when it comes to new products, but my girlfriend tried the Timeless Beauty and raved about it, so I trusted her judgment and decided to give it a try because I’ve heard so many benefits of Timeless Beauty for anti-aging. I have used DeRose health Timeless Beauty for 3 weeks and I love the way my skin looks. I have finicky skin, but I had beautiful results. "

Vienna, OH.
" A drop of this awesome serum does miracles!! I love it!!!"

Kelly W.
Santa Barbara, CA.
" My skin looks brighter and people are noticing. I love it! And it goes on so nice and I can put my makeup on top and even my moisturizer if I choose. "
Now, at this point, you really have two options…
Option 1 - you could find all of the ingredients in Timeless Beauty separately and try to make your own serum…
But, to be completely honest, it’s going to cost you well over $100, and it's really hard to find organic versions of every single one.
And not only that, mixing them together in the exact ratios for optimal results isn’t an easy task either.

Option 2 - You can try "Timeless Beauty," the one-of-a-kind, all-natural, Age-Rewinding Serum…
That condenses EVERYTHING I’ve learned throughout the years about restoring your skin’s youth … into one proven, ready-to-use formula.
And the best part, besides getting back the youthful, glowing skin you love so much?
It’s natural
It’s easy to use
There are no negative side effects of any kind, so you can start using it immediately.
It’s easy to use
You won’t even pay those high department-store prices of $280, not even $180.
You can get Timeless Beauty for as low as $49 per bottle.
Don’t waste another day … Order the Platinum Package Below and Save $300 Today and Get the Best Package for YOU and YOUR Skin
1 Month Supply

6 Month Supply

3 Month Supply

* Free shipping and $9.95 is only available for US residents. International shipping rates will apply for other countries.
Never again having to worry about whether a certain camera angle, bad lighting, or facial expression will keep you from looking and feeling your best…
Looking in the mirror and feeling nothing but love and admiration for the woman you see looking back at you…
Getting compliments from your family, friends, and loved ones as they ask… “What’s your secret? You look amazing!”
Experiencing the confidence you deserve as a woman and feeling excited about a future without fear of rapid aging!
Because YOU, TOO, can take control of your aging process with Timeless Beauty.
And with my 90-day Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee…
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Try Timeless Beauty YOURSELF for 3 months, 100% risk-free

Here's how it works.
1. Try Timeless Beauty Age-Rewinding Serum every day... or as much as you feel comfortable with... and see what happens. Most people discover in 3 days to 3 weeks how much of a difference it's making in their youthful appearance.
2. See how others treat you differently over the 90 days that follow your purchase. Watch women demand to know your secret... and enjoy the looks you're getting from interested people on the street. If you're in a relationship, watch as your partner looks at you with desiring eyes you may not have seen in years.
3. In the unlikely event that you still aren't satisfied with your purchase, return all the bottles, even if they are empty, and receive a 100% refund … no questions asked.
4. Still have questions contact us at support@derosehealth.com
But don’t just take my word for it…
Look what these other Timeless Beauties have to say:

Debbie S.
Lake Worth, FL.
" It didn’t interfere with my other products. And my skin is so much brighter and glowing. "

Kamila F. ARNP-C
Mars Hill, N.C.
" I think it only took 3 days for my skin to show a glow and radiance that I was not able to achieve with other products. It is gentle to apply and hydrates my skin in addition to healing it. Thank you Sandy! 🙂 "

Samantha H.
Murphy, N.C.
" The DeRose Health Timeless Beauty is a staple to my skin regimen. I put it on as a base before I apply my primer for foundation and I also put it on before I go to bed. It doesn’t burn my skin (I have very sensitive skin) and it glides right on my face. It is lightweight and absorbs my skin quickly. I have noticed radiance in my skin after using this product. I recommend this to everyone on the market for a serum to add to their skincare! "
Every Day You Wait Makes it Harder to Heal the Damage
I must leave you with a warning. While Timeless Beauty Age-Rewinding Serum can seemingly work miracles for your appearance, the longer you wait, the harder it will be to get maximum results.
Every day your skin absorbs more UV rays, more air pollution, more free-radicals, and more toxic chemicals from food and objects in your environment.
Even if you make your home 100% clean of these things, you are still handling receipts with cheap plastic coatings, and walking into stores pumped with harmful perfumes and fluorescent lights.
That means every day you use Timeless Beauty Age-Rewinding Serum is a day where you're protected, healing, and automatically moisturizing yourself to look younger and avoid premature aging.

Every day that passes is also another day where the price of Timeless Beauty Age-Rewinding Serum could rise.
There are a lot of supply-chain issues in the world right now.
Plus, ingredient prices increase. So at any moment the price could jump up.
That's why you're best starting right now, and maybe even subscribing, to lock down your low rate.
That way, even if there's a shortage in supplies and our prices double, you'll still be guaranteed your starting rate.
What are you waiting for? Get the Platinum Timeless Beauty™ Package today and SAVE $300
1 Month Supply

6 Month Supply

3 Month Supply

* Free shipping and $9.95 is only available for US residents. International shipping rates will apply for other countries.
Your Healthiest, Youngest Skin Begins Today
Think about what your upcoming days and weeks will be like once you are using Timeless Beauty Age-Rewinding Serum.
Imagine looking in the mirror, at first noticing something looks a little "different" but not being sure what.
Then it hits you... "That wrinkle is gone!"
Something you thought was permanent just isn't there anymore.

Then a few days later, your friends start saying, "Wow your skin looks GREAT! What are you using?" And you'll have to decide ... do you tell them...
Or do you keep it your little secret so you can look the youngest out of all of your friends?
And, as the weeks go by, you start seeing heads turn when you are on the street, your partner or date starts looking at you differently...
And you're now living the life of a woman who looks 5, 10... maybe even 15 years younger than her biological age.
This all begins when you click the button below to add Timeless Beauty Age-Rewinding Serum to your cart.
Remember, you have 90 days to try it out, and you'll experience amazing results far before your trial period ends.
And don’t be surprised if your significant other or daughter starts using it too.
1 Month Supply

6 Month Supply

3 Month Supply

* Free shipping and $9.95 is only available for US residents. International shipping rates will apply for other countries.
We proudly have a 90-day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee.
So you have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain!
Frequently Asked Questions
A. You can if you want. Timeless Beauty will not interfere with any of your other beauty products. It goes in so quickly and dries so quickly that there’s no waiting to apply anything else. Or wear it alone. It’s up to you
A. If you feel at any time that Timeless Beauty does not work for you, feel free to return both opened and unused products for a full refund. No questions asked.
A. For best results we do recommend that you use the product every day.
A. You can use Timeless Beauty at any age. It’s never too early or too late to start.
1 Month Supply

6 Month Supply

3 Month Supply

* Free shipping and $9.95 is only available for US residents. International shipping rates will apply for other countries.
Scientific References:
Panich U., Et. al. Ultraviolet Radiation-Induced Skin Aging: The Role of DNA Damage and Oxidative Stress in Epidermal Stem Cell Damage Mediated Skin Aging. Stem Cells International. 2016.
Schikowski T., Et. al. Air Pollution and Skin Aging. Air Pollution and Health. 2020.
Christensen MS, Packman EW. Skin surface softening effects of jojoba and its derivatives. Proceedings from the seventh international conference on jojoba and its uses. Champaign, IL:
American Oil Chemists’ Society; 1988. Pg 301